694 ViewsKnowing how much money you need to borrow before going through the loan approval process will help you stick to a reasonable loan amount. If you want to cover an expense (e.g. appliance replacement or home repairs), it may be easier, but if you’re planning to consolidate debt or are looking to get some […]
906 ViewsInvestors often use various investment strategies to accumulate money. The stock market, for example, is a centralized market where stocks are bought and sold. Some investors, on the other hand, are reluctant to invest in this kind of business. If you’re one of them, we’ve put together a list of compelling reasons why you […]
988 ViewsTerrorized at the idea of losing money, French savers are cold on the stock markets, even if it means giving up on making their savings grow. Unlike banking products designed to accumulate precautionary savings , mainly made up of passbooks A and bankbooks, the Equity Savings Plan (PEA) meets a completely different objective. A […]
622 ViewsA bank is a company whose main activity is to finance the economy through its public and private companies; like any business, it seeks to minimize its risk-taking and optimize its profitability. Alongside their own commercial requirements, the so-called “Basel III” agreements oblige financial establishments to respect a certain ratio of equity in relation […]