insurance to telesales

From the importance of digitizing insurance to telesales

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Today, insurers are setting up large-scale helplines, chatbots and video consultations. Customers are reminded that they can report damage remotely, as well as extend a warranty or submit documents online. Insurers have urgently put in place simplified procedures for taking out insurance contracts. In addition, training is organized online using webinars.

Insurers are increasing their capacity so that their services can be used by more customers, agents and employees. They are introducing remote work on a large scale. Remote sales and service tools become the basis of all operations. As the agents tell us, in the last few days customers themselves have asked to be contacted online and to be able to access the customer portal.

Time for digital mobilization

Never before have we needed technology support on such a scale. Yesterday, we were on the brink of the digital revolution, analyzing the behavior of younger generations to determine how much time we have left. Many insurers have expressed the idea that the digital revolution will be imposed by Millennials. Today, all generations are going digital. Until now, we viewed scanning as an add-on service that gave us an edge in the market. But overnight, this option became the basis of all our business activities and business survival.

This means that we are in a state of total mobilization. Most of us, including IT service providers, faced the challenge of immediately adapting to fully remote operation. At Comarch, we cooperate with such a wide range of customers from various sectors that we have managed to develop solutions for them that are as secure and flexible as possible. We are fully committed to supporting secure digitization.

The Comarch Digital Insurance platform

We offer a set of digital solutions for the insurance industry. Comarch Digital Insurance is a platform that provides omnichannel digitization of sales and service processes. The solution creates a single working environment for different groups of users, based on a common engine. It responds completely to this crisis situation and to our new work habits.

Indeed, the platform has an ergonomic screen for the agent allowing him to communicate instantly with the customer. This platform facilitates the transition between sales and service channels, thus guaranteeing a continuous communication process. Thanks to “Responsive Web Design”, the platform allows data to be accessed via smartphones, tablets and desktop computers. Today, the lesson on digitization that we have to learn, whether we like it or not, shows how important these objectives are.

Comarch also meets the current needs of the health sector to digitize. We offer a large ecosystem of solutions: Electronic Health Record in the Cloud, Telemedicine in the Cloud, Cloud Hospital and Cloud Medical AI. The integration of these platforms helps ensure healthcare coordination and support for patients and medical staff.

In light of this crisis, we see that the companies that are doing well remotely are those that have decided to move their resources to the cloud. Many more have been left behind because VPNs aren’t equipped to handle such a sudden increase in user numbers.

Cloud solutions, combined with mobile technologies, allow you to manage your business remotely. Our wide range of cloud solutions allow you to manage and monitor work remotely.

Finally, the cloud promotes the development of technologies such as Big Data or Artificial Intelligence, the application of which is becoming a necessity for the insurance sector. In recent days, a group of scientists from Oak Ridge National Laboratory began using the Summit supercomputer to properly combine chemicals to create a formula to fight the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. None of this would have been possible without cloud computing or Big Data solutions.

For years, Comarch has been developing Artificial Intelligence technology in areas such as transaction security, fraud prevention, sales forecasting or rating models.

Can the insurance industry have peace of mind – does it have the tools it needs to run smoothly? Or is he caught between two fires (or even many more)? What we need to look at is whether the insurer and its IT provider are able to provide a full, remote communication channel in the customer – agent – employee – IT provider chain. One thing is undeniable: insurers can only survive by continuing their activities on omnichannel platforms and remotely.

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